Let It Begin With Me


Dear ones:

These are phrases that have been circling through my mind lately:

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me…

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for…I am the one I’ve been waiting for

Time is now. Now is the time.

In light of recent atrocities there is swirling energy of upheaval. A reckoning to honor those whose lives have been taken from them. A catalyst for a major shift.

It is revelatory. It is needed. For People of Color who have been systemically oppressed for so long. For all those external and internal ways many of us have been oppressed for so long. The pipe of silence is bursting. There is no more looking away. We must be the change. We must live the change. We must change for the better.

For many months now, I have been intentionally pouring most of my time into my mothering. If I can raise a son who is conscious, kind, full of self-trust, respectful of other beings, and joyful, I know I am making a positive shift in the world.

And yet, now, I feel inspired to write what is on my heart. Because it’s what I love to do and it’s a form of service to this incredible community.

Please know this:

We are in the middle of a great transition. The breakdown of so many systemic forms of oppression/control/greed/divisiveness, so that we can breakthrough and rebuild.

In the yogic cosmological cycles that span thousands of years, we are literally closing the chapter on a dark age and stepping into a new one of peace and unity.

That said, we are in the mix of it. The birth of it. And I can tell you now from personal experience birth is a process.

For me it was:

Empowering. Painful. Surprising. Purifying. Challenging. Hard-but-not-insurmountable.

A literal breakdown of parts of the body/psyche/spirit/mind/responsibilities to breakthrough into a new reality of strength, radiance, and brilliant connection.

It can also come (as it did for me) with a hefty side of grief and mourning as the old is familiar and there is comfort in habituated familiarity. But out beyond that world of comfort, thrust into the light of change and transformation is great radiance, new lessons, deeper surrender and a heart that can hold far deeper love.

We are all in our own phase of that process now. Humanity as a whole is in this process. Death to rebirth. Breakdown to breakthrough. So many things have been broken for so long. So this transformation - on many many levels - is needed.

It is, in a way, a very exciting time to be alive. A time to be part of the great shift.

This is also a time when we are in a battleground of sovereignty over our emotional and mental clarity. Many forces are vying for our attention making the process a bit more chaotic and confusing.

However, right action is perceptible if we have the tools. If we tune in. If we take the sacred pause, asking:

If I want peace to begin with me…If I am the one I’ve been waiting for…If the time is now, how can I live, and move, and breathe, and be in a place that comes from centered alignment? That adds more potency? More impact? More of a legacy of actual help?

I encourage you to consider the following to anchor you into your highest way of being:

1. FIND A PRACTICE: We all (desperately) need something to clean and clear ourselves with daily. Like a psychic shower for heart/mind/etc. I’ve shared many times Kundalini Yoga is my practice of choice. I share it weekly on Saturdays (and you can join here) and I also adore my teachers work on RaMaTV. Kundalini is one of thousands of practices. Find what calls to you and you hold on tight.

2. CONNECT TO A COMMUNITY: I truly do believe that Community is Immunity. Connect, connect, connect. To your mom. To your long lost friend. To your neighbor. To your cat. To your favorite person to follow on Instagram. We are thirsty for it. Reach out and create it.

3. GET CLEAR ON WHAT YOU CAN OFFER: We are all here – during this very unique and important time – to help. But we cannot help if we don’t understand what’s special about us. Allow yourself the sacred space of examining, What are my gifts? Why am I here? What are the ways I can be of service now? No act is too small.

If you have any questions about where to start with these, please feel free to reach out. Change is needed. You are part of it. Thank you for your work in the world.

Joanna Andreae