Power Up, Power Through: Resources for the Great Awakening


Let's cut right to the chase, shall we?

We are colliding with a lot of negativity in space and time. It’s heavy, but it’s not insurmountable for the clarified system.

Without a daily practice to clear out some of the subconscious gunk and locked-down energies, we remain stuck, fearful, easily played. 

With a daily practice we become more intuitive, intelligent, protected, prosperous, and can act on the behalf of our families, communities, country, and humanity from that place of better-resourced abundance.

We know the adage, “you cannot give from a dry well,” right? Let me reframe: You cannot awaken a nation from the sleep of oppression at the same level of consciousness it has been operating from.

We must pierce through.

We must power up.

We must use the tools to navigate these times at a higher level.

So, here follow some equipment for the journey:


One of the easiest and best things you can be doing is surrounding yourself with a more positive sound environment. The power of mantra cannot be over emphasized. Man = mind. Tra = direction. If you feed the direction of the mind with something more energizing and infinite, you're going to have a better experience of your life. Period. 

Ant Na Siftee. This mantra gives you victory. It breaks through personal and systemic limitations of oppression of any kind. Is protective and directs the mind to the infinite. Pretty cool, huh?

Here is a video on it with more detail. I have been looping it at home all day long. It's gentle and has a rhythm that really gets in your head - in a good way! That's what it's supposed to do ;)


This is a time on the planet when daily meditation is necessary for mental sovereignty and sanity. Here are my top 3 recommendations for quantum improvements.  

The Addiction Meditation (3 minute practice)

Fists of Anger (3 minute practice)

Freeing ourselves from addictive negative patterns and the inner hi-jack of intense emotions is a true gift of this time. To do so in under 10 minutes? Even more incredible. These are daily doses of clearing nourishment.

The Intelligence Meditation - Brain/Anxiety healing, consciousness raising (11 minute practice)

Many of us are acting before we think. Things have been too divided even amongst those claiming they want unity. We need to bring back our critical thinking skills. We need to brink back balance in the brain. This is deeply healing and helpful to raise your consciousness to a place that can be more solution -oriented instead of problem-focused.

It is our duty now to practice finding steadiness. It is our power to continue to light up a world that is revealing and clearing much darkness.

Choosing self-empowered living on the positive current (which means aligned action, clarity of thought, and yes, connection to a higher divine understanding) is one of the only ways to really make it through this transition time with grace, grit, and the possibility of joy. 

And yes, the possibility of joy exists now - but we must be equipped to maneuver the forces trying to throw us off track. I believe in you. I believe in me. I believe in us.

Keep up on these practices and you will be kept up. The world needs you to rise now. Here we go.

Joanna Andreae